Home / World / When are you exposing PM Narendra Modi’s “personal corruption”: Arvind Kejriwal to Rahul Gandhi

When are you exposing PM Narendra Modi’s “personal corruption”: Arvind Kejriwal to Rahul Gandhi

When are you exposing PM Narendra Modi’s “personal corruption”: Arvind Kejriwal to Rahul Gandhi

6New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday once again asked Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi to make public the information about “personal corruption” involving Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Kejriwal tweeted: “Rahul ji, when r u exposing Modiji’s “personal corruption”?”
The chief minister was reacting to Rahul’s remarks that he wants to present in the Lok Sabha detailed information about “personal corruption” by Modi but is not being allowed to do so by the PM.
After threatening an earth-shattering disclosure on demonetisation earlier, the Congress vice president had said he wanted to expose PM Modi’s personal complicity in corruption but “a terrified government” didn’t let him speak in Parliament.
“Read my lips. The Prime Minister is personally terrified with the information that I have. I have information on the personal corruption of the Prime Minister,” Gandhi had said.
The Congress leader last week said an “earthquake will come” if he was allowed to speak in the Lok Sabha “about the biggest scam committed by Narendra Modi single handedly”.
The allegation by the Congress vice president was dismissed by the BJP as “false and baseless” and “very unfortunate” while Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal dared Gandhi to “expose” the prime minister if he has documents at his disposal.
Parliamentary Affairs Minister and senior BJP leader Ananth Kumar while rejecting as “baseless” the allegation levelled against the prime minister said they were made out of “desperation” and “frustration” and asked Gandhi to apologise.

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