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Seoul: N. Korea fires missile and tries to jam GPS signals

Seoul: N. Korea fires missile and tries to jam GPS signals

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) – North Korea fired a short-range missile into the sea and tried to jam GPS navigation signals in South Korea on Friday, Seoul officials said, hours after U.S., South Korean and Japanese leaders pledged to work closer together to prevent North Korea from advancing its nuclear …

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Prominent political prisoner freed in Myanmar, many remain

Prominent political prisoner freed in Myanmar, many remain

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) – A prominent political prisoner was released Friday after he finished his six-month jail sentence, coincidentally on the day that Myanmar’s new, democratically-elected government began working. Patrick Kum Ja Lee’s release was on schedule and not ordered freed by the new government. But it serves as a …

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At closed border, thousands stand their ground in hope

At closed border, thousands stand their ground in hope

IDOMENI, Greece (AP) – Through the coils of razor wire and a fence that stretches across green fields, the gathered people can see what has become a forbidden land – Macedonia and its still-snow-capped mountains, the route they had hoped to take on their journey northward through the Balkans to …

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Violent times encourage a step to the right in some nations

Violent times encourage a step to the right in some nations

BRUSSELS (AP) – The Brussels attacks have given a boost to the far right in Belgium and beyond, and their anti-Islam language is finding a special resonance after another bloodbath by Islamic State extremists. Just as the Paris attacks that killed 130 people in November reinvigorated the right-wing National Front …

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With jihadis at the door, Syrians rush to rescue history

With jihadis at the door, Syrians rush to rescue history

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) – With Islamic State group militants on the doorstep of his hometown in eastern Syria, Yaroob al-Abdullah had little time. He had already rushed his wife and four daughters to safety. Now he had to save the thousands of ancient artifacts he loved. In a week of …

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UN court acquits Serb ultranationalist Seselj of all counts

UN court acquits Serb ultranationalist Seselj of all counts

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) – In a sweeping defeat for U.N. prosecutors, the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal acquitted Serbian ultranationalist Vojislav Seselj on Thursday of all nine counts alleging that he was responsible for or incited atrocities by Serbian paramilitaries in the 1990s Balkan wars. The ruling sparked joy in …

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21 killed, many trapped in overpass collapse in India

21 killed, many trapped in overpass collapse in India

KOLKATA, India (AP) – A long section of a road overpass under construction collapsed Thursday in a crowded Kolkata neighborhood, with tons of concrete and steel slamming into midday traffic, leaving at least 21 people dead and scores of others injured in the Indian city, police said. Rescuers used saws, …

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Group says 98 girls in C. African Republic sexually abused

Group says 98 girls in C. African Republic sexually abused

UNITED NATIONS (AP) – A U.S.-based advocacy group says 98 girls in Central African Republic reported they were sexually abused by international peacekeepers, and three girls told U.N. staff they were tied up, undressed and forced to have sex with a dog by a French military commander in 2014. AIDS-Free …

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Ice wall at Fukushima plant switched on, but will it work?

Ice wall at Fukushima plant switched on, but will it work?

TOKYO (AP) — The operator of Japan’s destroyed Fukushima nuclear plant switched on a giant refrigeration system on Thursday to create an unprecedented underground ice wall around its damaged reactors. Radioactive water has been flowing from the reactors, and other methods have failed to fully control it. The decontamination and …

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