Home / World / English News / Winnipeg embraces final summer fling as Labour Day weekend marks back-to-school countdown – Winnipeg

Winnipeg embraces final summer fling as Labour Day weekend marks back-to-school countdown – Winnipeg

Winnipeggers are embracing their final summer celebrations as Labour Day weekend marks the back-to-school countdown for many and brought lots of heat and crowds to the city’s local parks.

On Saturday afternoon the temperature climbed up to 36 degrees and many flocked to pools and shaded parks to enjoy a final summer outing before the seasons change.

“Just to spend the day with our family, have a picnic, barbeque. Since summer is almost done,” said Winnipegger Apolonio Villanueve.

“We saw that the temperature was good and thought we should come out here and have fun and have a swim with the kids,” said Suleiman Abdullahi of Winnipeg.

And some Winnipeggers are heading out and enjoying some fun activities with the family.

“This weekend we’re planning on going to Lake Winnipeg to go fishing with my family,” said Dalwei Jiang.

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Though the heat was intense enough to merit a warning from Environment Canada, plenty seemed happy to make the most of the sunny weather while it lasted.

“You know, you have to make use of the summertime because it’s very short,” said Abdullahi.

Despite the extreme weather in Manitoba this summer — from heatwaves to wildfire smoke — Winnipeggers took advantage of their holidays to travel and get outside.

“We’ve had the best summer ever. Lots of camping with our grandchildren, lots of different lakes, we’ve had an absolutely joyful summer,” said Twyla Kenyon.

And many are very aware that colder temperatures are on the horizon and Winnipeg winter will in fact be coming. “Hey, soon the snow will come. We don’t want to be complaining about the heat, right?” she added.

Additionally, the end of summer marks the beginning of school and kid’s minds are definitely on the subject, and some are feeling excited about the return.

“I’m excited that we’re finally getting lockers. I’ve never had a locker before,” said Alexis Dupre.

With files from Global’s Katherine Dornian

&copy 2023 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.

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