Edmonton(ATB): Alberta Government has announced $43 Million support in Budget 2024 to NAIT (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology) to establish Advanced Skill Centre at Edmonton to create 4200 spaces for apprentices.
Yash Sharma, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, Asian Tribune talked to Hon. Rajan Sawhney, Minister of Advanced Education of Alberta.
Excerpts are as under.
Q: Budget 2024 provides $43M to NAIT to establish Advanced Skill Centre at Edmonton and will recruit 4200 apprentices. Could foreign students also get direct admissions or will it be only available to folks living in Alberta.
A: NAIT already has thousands of International students on their roles and those students as well as the ones who wants to enter Canada can surely get admitted to these courses. Also, students pursuing studies in other Post Secondary Institutes can equally avail these opportunities.
Q: Construction for the Centre will start in 2025. Are their measures in place to address an immediate need?
A: NAIT had capacity issues and we as Government put our foot forward to help them for the capacity enhancement. We will provide $24 Million for the ensuing three years and out total support will work out to $234 Million.
Q: Has your Government initiated any awareness programs to attract apprentices to the Construction, Transportation, Manufacturing and Energy industry?
A: We already have Trades & Apprenticeship Promotion Program in place. We will also update our website in June. We have outlined 67 initiatives and Youth Ambassadors will also work hard to put across our message. I myself will be travelling across the Province to spread awareness. Also, we rely upon you as our media partners. I clarify that there will be paid media promotions.
Q: Modern generation is more attracted to white collar jobs. What are your suggestions to change this myth?
A: I agree it’s an issue to address. Trades enjoy an incredible compensation. I always quote about the electricians. As regards University degree, students have to shell out $25-40,000/year whereas Electricians’ are able to earn $80-100K/year by spending just around $5000/- in total. Moreover, you are dancing without Student Loan burden.
Q: What assurance apprentices will have that they will be placed after course completion.
A: There are no guarantees. However, demand is huge. All sectors and Transportation in particular are always on the lookout of trained hands. Therefore, I envisage that employability will not be an issue.
Q: Oil & Gas is the major Industrial sector of Alberta. Are Oil companies committing to support Government’s Initiative?
A: We already have companies who assure limitless growth opportunities’. This trained workforce is needed all the times. Yes, these employers are the direct beneficiaries of our Government’s initiatives.
Q: Your message to Indo-Canadian community.
A: Do visit our website and have the feel of opportunities. Be open to humongous growth avenues and that too without debt burden. Trades are flexible and also provide you educational credentials in case you want to pursue your higher educational goals later. Travel and enjoy the leadership positions. Trade and apprenticeship provide humongous opportunities.