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Tag Archives: renoviction

Hamilton to strengthen tenant protections by adopting bylaw preventing ‘demovictions’ – Hamilton

The Ontario city that introduced a first-of-its-kind renoviction bylaw in the province is about to expand the protection and prevent landlords from evicting tenants so they can demolish apartments and turn the properties into condominiums. Hamilton, Ont., is a step away from implementing a Rental Housing Protection By-law that will …

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Hamilton renoviction bylaw sent back to city staff for further revisions, cost analysis – Hamilton

A prospective Hamilton, Ont., bylaw to help renters fight off renoviction will be revisited in the new year as the city seeks legal advice and a list of budget items to create an inspection program. The Renovation Licence and Relocation Listing bylaw has been sent back for further study, with …

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‘Do I start packing?’: Manitoba renters struggle to keep up, demand change – Winnipeg

A woman living in Sage Creek, Man., was supposed to be retired and using her fixed income to travel. Now, she’s working hard to pay her rent each month, which increased by $200 in 2022. Rent increases like this, which are generally above the guideline set by Manitoba’s Residential Tenancies …

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‘They must have compassion’: Terminally ill Toronto woman facing renoviction

A Toronto woman with terminal cancer has been told she’s being evicted in the middle of her treatment for terminal cancer, a move that, while legal, is one she said will hasten her death. She is hoping her new landlord can show some compassion. Abra Shiner has lived in her …

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