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It is now ‘terroristan’: India hits back at Pakistan at UN

2Hitting back at Pakistan at United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), India’s First Secterary to the UN, Eenam Gambhir on Friday said that the neighbouring country has become a geography synonymous with terror.
New Delhi: Hitting back at Pakistan at United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), India’s First Secterary to the UN, Eenam Gambhir on Friday said that the neighbouring country has become a geography synonymous with terror.
Exercising India’s right-to-reply, Gambhir said,”Pakistan is now ‘terroristan’, with a flourishing industry producing and exporting global terrorism.It is extraordinary that the state which protected Osama Bin Laden and sheltered Mullah Omar should have the gumption to play victim.”
Referring to 26/11attacks mastermind Hafiz Saeed, who is roaming freely in the neighbouring, New Delhi asserted that terrorists thrive in Pakistan and roam its streets with impunity.
“Pakistan is a country whose counter terrorism policy is to mainstream and upstream terrorists by either providing safe havens to global terror leaders in its military town or protecting them with political careers. The world does not need lessons on democracy and human rights from a country whose own situation is charitably described as a failed state,” India’s First Secterary to the United Nations hit back sharply.
“Pakistan must understand that the State of J&K is and will always remain an integral part of India. However much it scales up cross-border terrorism, it will never succeed in undermining India’s territorial integrity,” Eenam Gambhir said.
India’s statement came after Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi raked up Kashmir issue and accused India of ‘terrorism against Pakistan’ at the world body.

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