Home / World / English News / Hydro upgrades could lead to benefits on Manitobans’ bills, feds say – Winnipeg

Hydro upgrades could lead to benefits on Manitobans’ bills, feds say – Winnipeg

Manitobans may see benefits on their monthly electricity bill thanks to some upgrades announced Thursday by the federal and provincial governments.

Canada’s Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew announced upgrades to Manitoba Hydro to the tune of $475.6 million — most of which will go toward replacing eight aging power turbines at the Pointe du Bois generating station on the Winnipeg River.

The rest will help with building a new transmission network in the Portage la Prairie area.

Officials say the upgrades will strengthen Manitoba’s clean electricity grid and reduce emissions, but the federal contribution — $185 million — is contingent on environmental assessment and consultation with Indigenous groups.

“Manitoba Hydro is one of the most important assets our province has when it comes to being a leader in the low carbon economy,” Kinew said Thursday in a statement.

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“Continued investment in a publicly owned Manitoba Hydro will mean more low carbon jobs, more progress towards our net-zero targets and more opportunities to lower costs for working families.”

Freeland, also the deputy prime minister, called the initiative a step toward making Canada “a clean electricity superpower.”

Click to play video: 'Manitoba NDP would freeze hydro rates for a year if it wins provincial election'

Manitoba NDP would freeze hydro rates for a year if it wins provincial election

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