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Israeli troops kill 2 Palestinians after stabbing attempts

Israeli troops kill 2 Palestinians after stabbing attempts

JERUSALEM (AP) – The Israeli military on Tuesday said it shot and killed two Palestinians who tried to carry out separate stabbing attacks in the West Bank. The attacks were the latest in a wave of violence that erupted in mid-September and has shown no signs of ending. Early Tuesday, …

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Chinese leader Xi Jinping welcomed in cash-strapped Zimbabwe

Chinese leader Xi Jinping welcomed in cash-strapped Zimbabwe

HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) – Thousands of people lined Harare’s roads and welcomed Chinese president Xi Jinping, whose visit has raised hopes that China will help stabilize Zimbabwe’s faltering economy. Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe greeted Xi at the airport, where some immigration signs are in Chinese, indicating China’s importance to this …

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Leaders of warming Earth meet in Paris to cut emissions

Leaders of warming Earth meet in Paris to cut emissions

LE BOURGET, France (AP) – Some 150 world leaders including President Barack Obama are joining U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon Monday in kicking off two weeks of high-stakes climate talks near Paris, with organizers hoping the unprecedented high-level appearances will turbocharge the chances of reaching an ambitious deal to cut emissions …

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Key sticking points in UN climate talks

Key sticking points in UN climate talks

PARIS (AP) – Some 180 countries have already presented plans to cut or rein in their climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions. That’s a huge step forward for the U.N. climate talks but a host of difficult issues remain to be resolved before a new climate agreement can be adopted in Paris. …

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After uncertainty, new start for Syrian family in Germany

After uncertainty, new start for Syrian family in Germany

ZWICKAU, Germany (AP) – Just before dawn, a worker shook the matriarch of the refugee family out of sleep at their asylum center in a depressed German town. “Get up and pack your belongings,” the woman said curtly. “A taxi will come in an hour and take you away.” The …

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Timeline of key events in UN effort against climate change

Timeline of key events in UN effort against climate change

PARIS (AP) – After decades of warnings from scientists that greenhouse gas emissions were warming the planet, governments started coming together in the 1980s to combat the problem. Here’s a timeline of key moments in the diplomatic effort to stop global warming, leading up to the U.N. climate conference in …

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Obama, Xi tout close US-China climate coordination

Obama, Xi tout close US-China climate coordination

PARIS (AP) – President Barack Obama on Monday touted close U.S. cooperation with China on climate change as vital to world efforts to slow global warming, even as he acknowledged persistent differences with China’s President Xi Jinping over cybersecurity and maritime security. Huddling with Xi on the sidelines of the …

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Hull-aballoo: New Navy destroyer’s seaworthiness questioned

Hull-aballoo: New Navy destroyer’s seaworthiness questioned

BATH, Maine (AP) – The largest destroyer built for the U.S. Navy cuts an imposing figure: massive, with an angular shape, hidden weapons and antennas, and electric-drive propulsion. But underneath the stealthy exterior resides a style of hull that fell out of favor a century ago in part because it …

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France honors attack victims in city subdued by mourning

France honors attack victims in city subdued by mourning

PARIS (AP) – A subdued France paid homage Friday to those killed two weeks ago in the attacks that gripped Paris in fear and mourning, honoring each of the 130 dead by name as the president pledged to “destroy the army of fanatics” who claimed so many young lives. With …

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