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Syrian refugee family embraces Christmas spirit in Germany

Syrian refugee family embraces Christmas spirit in Germany

ZWICKAU, Germany (AP) – Christmas carols sound in the medieval square, and the scents of hot spiced wine, anise cookies and beeswax candles waft through the air at Zwickau’s traditional Christmas market. The four children of the Habashieh family, Muslim Syrian refugees, wander from stand to stand, looking with big …

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Turkey says patience with Russia has its limits

Turkey says patience with Russia has its limits

MOSCOW (AP) – The latest news related to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s meeting with top military officials in Moscow. All times local: 2:05 p.m. Turkey’s foreign minister says his country is refraining from responding to Russian efforts to hit back at Turkey over its downing of a Russian jet, but …

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Trump’s name, image removed at Dubai development amid uproar

Trump’s name, image removed at Dubai development amid uproar

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -The image and name of American presidential hopeful Donald Trump was gone on Friday from much of a Dubai golf course and housing development amid the uproar over his comments about banning Muslims from traveling to the United States. The disappearance of Trump’s branding from …

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New Zealand’s possible new flag features fern and stars

New Zealand’s possible new flag features fern and stars

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) – New Zealanders know what their new potential national flag will look like, except that they’re not quite set on the color. In a postal ballot, New Zealanders chose from among five designs, and both their favorites feature the country’s iconic silver fern next to the …

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Samsung aid for sick workers comes with conditions, secrecy

Samsung aid for sick workers comes with conditions, secrecy

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) – Samsung’s hopes of ending years of acrimony over whether its computer chip factories caused cancer have hit a hitch: some sickened workers and their families say they’ll never accept its highly conditional offer of financial assistance. As recently as the middle of last year, it …

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Geneva police hunt suspects as part of Paris attacks probe

Geneva police hunt suspects as part of Paris attacks probe

GENEVA (AP) – Geneva police were “actively searching” for suspects in connection with an investigation into the Paris attacks last month, Swiss security officials said Thursday. Geneva’s security department said that city authorities received word on Wednesday that Swiss federal authorities had flagged “suspicious individuals who could be in Geneva …

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Don’t be asleep: Activists press for global pact

Don’t be asleep: Activists press for global pact

LE BOURGET, France (AP) – The latest news related to the U.N. climate conference outside Paris, which runs through Dec. 11. All times local: 2:10 p.m. Activists have a new way of trying to increase pressure on negotiators at the Paris climate talks – with caricatures of big-headed world leaders …

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Trump’s upcoming Israel visit puts Netanyahu in a bind

Trump’s upcoming Israel visit puts Netanyahu in a bind

JERUSALEM (AP) – A planned visit to Israel by U.S. Republican hopeful Donald Trump is turning into one big headache for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israeli leader, widely seen as a supporter of the Republican Party, shares much in common with Trump. But cozying up to the GOP …

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