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4 Palestinians die in West Bank attacks on Israelis, clashes

4 Palestinians die in West Bank attacks on Israelis, clashes

JERUSALEM (AP) – Four Palestinians were killed on Thursday, among them three who Israel said were carrying out attacks on soldiers in the West Bank, the latest in a three month-long wave of unrelenting Israeli-Palestinian violence. The four separate incidents came as revelers were gathering in the West Bank city …

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Christians in Bethlehem mark Christmas amid violence

Christians in Bethlehem mark Christmas amid violence

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) – Christian faithful from around the world descended Thursday on the biblical city of Bethlehem for Christmas Eve celebrations at the traditional birthplace of Jesus, as an outburst of Israeli-Palestinian violence dampened the typically festive mood. Before the celebrations began, Israeli authorities said three Palestinians involved …

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Afghan officials: Southern district remains in state control

Afghan officials: Southern district remains in state control

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) – Afghan forces backed by U.S. air strikes pushed back a Taliban onslaught Thursday in a strategically important district in the southern Afghan province of Helmand, officials said. Sangin district had been besieged by the insurgents for weeks before an uptick in the ferocity of the fight …

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Deck the halls! Muslim Senegal celebrates Christmas

Deck the halls! Muslim Senegal celebrates Christmas

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) – After his morning prayers at the mosque, 25-year-old Mamadou Aliou Ba puts on his Santa suit, the padded belly protruding from his thin, tall frame, and goes to work. He stands proudly, smiling from behind a snowy white mustache and beard that take over his face, …

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Palestinian eviction case spotlights Jerusalem settler push

Palestinian eviction case spotlights Jerusalem settler push

JERUSALEM (AP) – Ahmad Sub-Laban’s family has lived for decades under threat of eviction from their home overlooking the gold-topped Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem’s Old City. The experience inspired the 37-year-old Palestinian father of two to become a researcher for groups fighting attempts by Jewish settlers to move …

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Afghan minister: Troops rushed to area under Taliban attack

Afghan minister: Troops rushed to area under Taliban attack

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) – Reinforcements have been rushed to a besieged southern district threatened for days with takeover by Taliban fighters, Afghanistan’s acting defense minister said on Wednesday. Fighting in the Sangin district of Helmand was continuing as army and police arrived to help security forces who had been pinned …

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France hardens stance on dual-national terror convicts

France hardens stance on dual-national terror convicts

PARIS (AP) – France’s government hardened its position toward dual-national terrorism convicts Wednesday, saying they deserved to have their citizenship revoked as part of a series of constitutional changes upholding the state of emergency imposed after the Nov. 13 attacks. In a speech presenting the proposed changes to France’s constitution, …

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Thai junta says 99 percent of people are happy with its rule

Thai junta says 99 percent of people are happy with its rule

BANGKOK (AP) – It’s the kind of poll result you’d see in a North Korean election or Saddam Hussein’s Iraq: Thailand’s military-ruled government says 99 percent of the country’s people are happy with its performance since it took power in a coup last year. The junta has relentlessly pursued critics, …

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